Stellar Cleaning Services
Exceptional Standards, Great Results

Our cleaning services cover Bonita Springs, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, Estero, Gateway, Naples and Pelican Preserve, Florida.

Standard Weekly & Biweekly Cleaning

We know, that just like Jana, you want to walk into an immaculately cleaned home after our cleaning staff is done with their standard professional cleaning service. Our housekeepers are systematic in the way they review your space, and they quickly develop a strategy that wastes no time in getting the job done. A standard weekly cleaning typically includes (Please know that we will discuss it with you first and prioritize what you want.):

Bedrooms and Common Areas (such as living rooms, dining rooms, and dens, sunrooms, and home offices): We will dust and remove dirt from all reachable surfaces such as tables, desks, and dresser tops. We will clean and shine mirrors and glass fixtures. We will sanitize and wipe down door handles and light switches. We will vacuum rugs and sweep and mop all floors. We will dust the ceiling fan blades, blinds, baseboards and the exterior of the air conditioner vents as needed.

Kitchens: We will clean and sanitize all surface areas from counter tops to refrigerator door handles and light switches. We will sweep and mop all floors. We will wipe and shine all glass fixtures. We will clean the inside and outside of the microwave. We will wash and scrub the sinks and cabinet faces and appliances as needed.

Bathrooms: We will wash and disinfect the toilet, shower and sink being sure to leave no mold, mildew, or dirty grout. We will scrub the tiles and grout. We will sweep and mop all floors. We are serious about making sure this room is thoroughly disinfected.

Deep Cleaning

Many people dread doing the “spring cleaning” twice a year that their home needs to continue being spotless. That’s why we offer a deep clean option. This allows our cleaner additional time to do the deep cleaning jobs they can’t typically do during your standard weekly cleaning. Also, when you are a first- time client, our standard rule is that your first-time clean should be a deep clean, so we have a good foundation to work from week to week. We will discuss it with you, so you can tell us what deep cleaning chores you want us to focus on. Our deep cleaning can cover areas not typically covered in a weekly cleaning like:

  • Removing hard water scale from shower heads, kitchen and bathroom tiles, and taps
  • Cleaning behind fixtures, couches, easy chairs, beds
  • Cleaning the interior of the oven and the other appliances such as the refrigerator.
  • Cleaning patio doors and furniture
  • Cleaning behind appliances such as the oven, washing machine and refrigerator
  • Cleaning the windows inside and out
  • Removing built up grime on kitchen surfaces such as the stove vents, the cabinets, and the side of the stovetop, where things can build up.
  • Cleaning blinds and washing curtains.

Move in/Move out and Real Estate Staging Cleaning

Whether you are moving out and trying to sell your house, or moving into a new home, a professional cleaning makes all the difference. If you are moving out of a rented space, you want the best chances of having your landlord give you back your full deposit, and a professional cleaning will help you do that. If you are a selling your home, you want it spic and span for the pictures and to get the highest selling price. After all, nobody wants to come into a home for sale and feel like they don’t want to touch the grimy surfaces, or smell whatever you had for dinner last week.

Real estate agents who have used our professional cleaning services for staging a home for an open house, love the freshness we provide, which can have a home feel like it’s never been touched.

Vacation Rental Cleaning, Air BnB Cleaning

We know you want to wow your guests and get great reviews for your vacation rental or Air BnB rental, and the most important way to do that is provide your guests with a clean comfortable space to spend their vacation time in. Nobody wants to vacation in a space that has them worried about pests or dirt. We put in the effort to make a great impression on your guests, so you don’t have to. Even those guests with allergies or who are germophobes will feel happy and comfortable in your rental when we are done with it. You can hire us to come in and clean after every guest leaves, and we will be sure to be done before the next one arrives. Even if you don’t have guests for a while, you’ll want to hire us to come in to keep it dust free and smelling fresh. We recommend having us come in to do a deep cleaning on a quarterly basis to keep the place spotless.

Post-Construction Cleaning

So many people have been getting home renovations and remodeling work done these days, and no matter how well the construction crew cleans up after themselves, it will never be as spotless as it will be after our housekeepers come in. Every type of construction leaves behind a fine layer of dust from drywall dust to tile dust, and that fine dust is hard to get rid of. That’s why when we do a post- construction clean, we are sure to vacuum several times and then wash and rinse the floor at least two times. In fact, we do that for all the surfaces in your home, whether it’s the tops of dressers, or the baseboards, and the blinds. We will look for the small debris construction can leave behind even the tiny screws and nails that end up in out of the way places. We use the right tools to effectively clean small crevices, corners and cubbyholes that are hard to reach.

Window Cleaning

Sparkling windows are the hallmark of a clean home. But the outside of the windows in particular is so hard to clean, and they are affected by everything outside from rainwater to irrigations systems, bird poop to dead bugs. And with the amount of construction going on in Southwest Florida right now, your windows are also covered in grime from your neighbor’s new roof installation, or the dirt from digging the foundation of the brand-new house they are building down the street. We promise you won’t believe your eyes when we are done cleaning your windows. This special service makes all the difference when you are having guests, or just want to be able to see your gorgeous gardens.

Green Cleaning

Clients who have small children and pets often request that we clean with “green cleaning products.” We’ve done the research to provide those clients with the best eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products, good for pets, children, and the environment. We promise to use products that will still provide the highest level of disinfection possible, because it’s important to kill germs, even if we are being eco-friendly.

Apartment and Condo Cleaning

Many apartments and condominiums share centralized ventilation systems, and that can cause you to have poor air quality and more dust. Our cleaning crew know how to work effectively, using such tools as specialized vacuum cleaning attachments to thoroughly clean the vents, removing dust, pathogens, and particles, and giving you better air quality. We focus on making sure your apartment or condo is truly clean, so you suffer fewer allergy issues and sleep sounder.

Get An Estimate for Cleaning Services

NOTE: This form is for estimation purposes only. One of our kind and courteous staff will contact after you submit your estimate, will answer any of your questions, and schedule your appointment.

About Stellar Cleaning Services

Serving Bonita Springs, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, Estero, Gateway, Naples and Pelican Preserve, Florida.

“My standards are very high,” says Janaina. “If I’m checking on a home, and it’s not to my level of perfection, I ask the cleaner who worked that home to please come back and clean it to my standards. I really think that’s what makes us different from other cleaning services. I listen to my customer’s needs and pay close attention, and even sometimes show them what they need, that they may not even know. It’s a passion of mine to pay attention to the smallest of details. I see things that people usually don’t, and I really love it when customers tell me that we cleaned something that others missed.” — Janaina Machado, Owner

<h3>Call for an Appointment</h3>
<h3><span style=”color: #cc99ff;”><a style=”color: #cc99ff;” href=”tel:+12398486742″><strong>239-848-6742</strong></a></span></h3>

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